Tuesday 23 April 2013

Random question...

11th April 2013 - A day of randoms. I'm running late (as usual). I find myself on the wrong side of the level crossing and wave goodbye as two trains sail past me towards Manchester - just my luck.

When I finally get on the platform and wait. As the next train approaches an elderly gentleman shakes his head and turns to me to say '3 Bury trams in a row, how can that be? And I want to go to Piccadilly'. 'You can get this one to Market Street and walk' I said trying to  be helpful. 'I know, but that's not the point'.

'I know' I said.

Hmm, I thought.


Remember I am already running late...tram comes to a halt. O cr*p. Traffic light I think. An apology comes from the driver, we should soon be on our way, it won't happen again.

How considerate, come on then let's get on with it.

3 mins later, okay off we go...one stop later we draw to another halt...no announcement this time.

Funny that. Driver and his empty assurances better had keep schtum this time.

Ahh...finally my stop.

Tram tales...in the beginning...

I've never read or written a blog before but everyday commuting Altrincham to Manchester leaves me feeling like Michael Douglas in falling down.

Maybe it's an age thing, maybe I'm losing the plot but everyday I get on the tram is like an episode of falling down and I'm Michael Douglas; furious, frustrated and feeling on the edge of doing something drastic!

I post this blog as a medium for fellow tram travellers (I hope that catches on) to share our experiences that range from the darn right annoying to the bizarre.

I have a few already - just this week and really they just keep coming!

I hope you enjoy this and join in in the spirit in which it is set up; a bit of a vent and a bit of a laugh but I do pray that one day the bosses at metrolink call me in so I can tell 'em how to do their jobs!!